中国日报:Dongjiang-Shenzhen water supply project boosts Hong Kong's economy

【字体:      】     打印     2025-03-18 19:50      



  Having delivered more than 30 billion cubic meters of water to Hong Kong in the past six decades, the Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Supply Project has been instrumental in safeguarding the city's enduring prosperity and stability, said vice-minister of water resources Chen Min at a news conference on Wednesday.

  The project that takes water from Dongjiang river, which originates from Jiangxi province and flows to the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong province, stands as a potent symbol of the unwavering support extended by the Chinese mainland to the region, he stressed.

  Aside from effectively eradicating Hong Kong's water scarcity crisis, the project has been a key driver in fostering the rapid growth of the city's economy, the vice-minister stated.

  He highlighted a remarkable increase in Hong Kong's annual water supply through the project, soaring from 68 million cubic meters in the early 1960s to over 2.4 billion cubic meters at present.

  The project currently meets about 80 percent of water demand in Hong Kong, he added.

  "This robust support has enabled Hong Kong's transition from a traditional manufacturing hub to an international financial, shipping and trading center, thus contributing to the prosperous cityscape witnessed today," he remarked.

  Over the past 60 years, Hong Kong's GDP has increased by more than 266 times, he mentioned. The consistent improvement in water supply capacity to the city has offered a reliable water resource foundation for the prosperity of its economy.

  The Dongjiang-Shenzhen Water Supply Project originated in May 1963, when Hong Kong was hit by its worst drought since 1884, with residents only supplied with fresh water once every four days, according to the ministry.

  The 83-kilometer project was completed in just 11 months and commenced operations on March 1, 1965. Since then, the project has undergone four renovations or expansions to enhance its water supply capacity.

作者:    责编: 魏永静

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